Nature Explorer

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Help, Thanks, Wow! November 24, 2012

Filed under: Gratitude — explorergarden @ 6:13 am

I just heard an interview with Anne Lamott, author of Bird By Bird, one of my favorite books about writing. She has written a new book called Help, Thanks, Wow, about the three kinds of prayer. Once again, she has  gotten to the most basic of truths — the three ways we pray. We ask for help when we hit a point where we do not know what else to do. We are bowled over by gratitude at times. And sometimes — so often when we meet nature face to face — we can only breathe Wow!

I can’t wait to read the book!




Biggest Rainbow

Filed under: Everything Under the Sun,Gratitude — explorergarden @ 6:07 am

The biggest rainbow I have ever seen appeared early in the morning, before most of the neighborhood was stirring. Given the troubles of the world, I could not help but see it a a sign of hope — like everything in nature — a sign of the earth’s, and our own, infinite capacity for renewal and wonder.

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Insects in the Garden

Filed under: Animals,Gardening — explorergarden @ 6:02 am

Cleaning up our school garden — and my home garden, we discovered a world of amazing insects and spiders.

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Eulalie and the Girls

Filed under: Animals,Gardening,Gratitude — explorergarden @ 4:31 am

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It’s all about chickens at our house now. Every morning, we let Eulalie, Bean, Artemis Fowl and Jumbo out of the coop. They spend a lovely day wandering the weeds, hopping up into the apricot tree or the Indian Hawthorne, or pecking and poking at each other. They are plump and happy. So far, no eggs. But it doesn’t matter. We enjoy their simple cuddly coziness. Life is simple when you are a chicken, and watching them makes me step back, slow down and take things a little more slowly, too.


Susan A. Olcott

Freelance Writer

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